Jewish Mothers Get Their Groove On

A bunch of JCC moms decide they need to learn to boogaloo in order to connect with their kids, so they hired hip hop groovemaster/lunchroom attendant Charles White to teach them the moves.

“In the beginning, I had to teach them basic rhythm,” he says. “Sometimes they would just clap to the music in search of the beat.”

We’re guessing the kids wish Mom would just learn how to work the friggin’ X Box instead.

Jmerica Loves Dave Barry

user submitted pictureHaving roots in South Florida, we at Jmerica have been Dave Barry fans for ages (unfortunately, sometimes he makes us laugh so hard we lose bowel and bladder control). The fact that this week’s column relates to his wife’s being Jewish is a great excuse to link to him here.

Yo Yenta! Advice: Dating with Children

Yo, Yenta! Advice Yo, Yenta!
I met this woman online and we’ve been chatting like crazy for three weeks, on the computer at night and during work. We haven’t met yet, but I like her a lot. She’s divorced and has a ten year-old daughter. I’m not against dating a single mom, and I would like to have kids of my own someday. The thing is, the kids’ father is not Jewish and this woman seems ambivalent about bringing her daughter up in the Jewish tradition. It’s important to me to marry a member of the tribe, partly because I want my children to be Jewish. Should I be wary about starting a relationship with someone who doesn’t feel the same way?

-Famisht in Fort Lauderdale

Dear Famisht: In this day and age, honey, you should be wary of sitting on public toilet seats and eating tuna fish, not to mention looking for love in this meshugga world. That’s why online personals are so terrific; you can find out all kinds of things about someone before you Continue reading

We Love Steve

user submitted picture We’ve watched so many episodes of Blues’ Clues that we sing the jingle in the shower, even when there are no preschoolers around to hear. We’ve always known that underneath the nerdy green rugby shirt Steve Burns was destined for more than witty conversation with a speech-impeded canine. You rock our world, man. user submitted picture

Oops! (Insert clever lyric here)

user submitted picture
Brittany Spears newfound devotion to Kabbalah has inspired her to get a tattoo on the back of her neck in Hebrew. Unfortunately, the tattoo artist was that guy from Hebrew school that used to get kicked out of class all the time for making those armpit farting noises. This resulted in a tattoo that apparently means absolutely nothing. The male staffers here at Jmerica are particularly disappointed. We were just starting to convince ourselves that she was Jewish enough to bring home to our mothers…