Scientology Forgets To Take Its Meds

user submitted pictureFrom JTA:
In yet another example of a group using Holocaust imagery to make a point and having it backfire (see Wal-Mart campaign post), the Church of Scientology is using death camp photos to illustrate their campaign against the “psuedo science” of psychiatry. In a German traveling exhibit that decrys Sigmund Freud “a drug-abusing promoter of promiscuity,” the suggestion is that the Holocaust was somehow caused by psychiatrists, which hardly suprises Anti-Defamation League Abraham Foxman.
It doesn’t surprise us either, but when are p.r. people going to realize using the Shoah as a benchmark and comparing their cause only hurts their credibility? Lord knows, Scientology needs all the help it can get.
(Photo of Scientologist Tom Cruise goin’ apesh*t on Oprah c/o MSNBC Media.

For Those About To Rock…

Oops, forgot to credit Phil Spector’s laughable locks photos as AP. And while we trolling around for musical Jew industry info, we came upon the blog, whose title for the Spector item is similar to ours, and we just wanna say it’s a coincidence. Chalk it up to 100th monkey syndrome or sumpin’.
The site, btw, simply rocks. These are the same dudes who were slapped with a copyright lawsuit by the plainly humorless Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame Museum for trying to launch a Jewish Rock N’ Roll Hall of Fame web site earlier this year (the URL still exists, but doesn’t redirect to Rather than fight the Museum’s battalion of lawyers, they surfed the loads of free publicity and came up with a new name. There’s some real gems: Dropping the Baum: The Real Names of Jewish Rockers and an interview with Maroon 5’s Adam Levine—oh, and some photos of Bono’s mogen david armband. And they’ve linked Jmerica, which means they like us, too. Feelin’ the love.

It Keeps Getting Jewcier…

user submitted pictureNow this is interesting: Jewsweek magazine, long been bowed down to by us and many others as the leading online Jewish magazine, is no more. That’s not to say there aren’t a barrelfull of interesting articles on its front page today, but it’s got a new, yet strangely familiar look.
Frontman Benyamin Cohen has moved on and the site has been taken over (in the kindest possible sense) by Reuven Koret, the man behind, and “Israel’s Story In Maps” (whose map we did not not use without permission. Or something like that.) Koret, has merged the magazine with the Jewcy brand, and will launch a new site in the coming weeks that incorporates Jewish news with cheeky t-shirts and pink thongs. Brilliant, we have to say.
Read Reuven Koret’s entire publisher’s letter for more.

We wish we had more, but the weather’s just too delightful to be sittin’ in front of this box even one minute longer. We wish you all a good Shabbos and a summery weekend!

“Cinderella Man” Gives Wicked Treatment of Jewish Character

user submitted pictureCritics are taking Cinderella Man director Ron Howard to task for downplaying the significance of Jewish boxer Max Baer in the film. Craig Bierko portrays Baer as a clownish wrecking ball with fists who shows no remorse for killing a man in the ring, but Hollywood has it all wrong. Shocking, we know.
Baer’s son, Max Jr., (who played hunky hick Jethro Bodine on The Beverly Hillbillies) says they “distorted his [father’s] character” and discredit Baer’s entire career by dismissing how in 1933, he lead a Jewish pride revolution by sporting a huge mogen david on his trunks and pounding Nazi darling Max Schmeling into the floor for ten rounds.
Granted, Cinderella Man focuses on the life of Jimmy Braddock, and a director has only so many minutes to tell a story before sugar-addled American audiences get distracted. But when does Baer get his own movie? Weinstein brothers, where art thou?

photo c/o Slate.

Welcome To The Tribe

user submitted pictureThanks to Weird Jews who directed us to this Washington Times article about another tribe of Israel that once was lost and now is found: The B’nei Menashe, descendants of Joseph’s son Manasseh, live in Northeast India between Myanmar and Bangladesh and have returned to a Jewish way of life after been in exile for over 2700 years. Many of them would like to return to Israel, actually, but they’d better get in line: there’s still a whole lotta Falash Mura still in Ethiopia.
We grew up thinking all Jews were either Ashkenazic Eastern Europeans like us or Sephardic Middle Easterners. We always understood that there were ten other tribes that dispersed throughout the world, but we figured they’d assimilated with the locals and that was that. Each time new information surfaces about Judaism kept alive in crazy places like Burma (which makes ghetto Warsaw look like…well, maybe not Disneyland, but perhaps only the fifth circle of hell as opposed the first) the flame in our hearts gets bigger.
(Photo by Kulanu, Inc.)

Hear This! Jewish Doctor Debunks Nazi Science

From JTA: For over 70 years, women suffering from a form of hearing loss called otosclerosis have been told having babies would make the condition worse. But hearing expert Dr. William Lippy has found no connection between hearing loss and the number of children a woman bears. Furthermore, Dr. Lippy has traced the “science” behind the “link” between pregnancy and progressive deafness as a ridiculous Nazi plot to eliminate otosclerosis from the gene pool.
Frightening to think modern medicine is still operating under myths inspired by monsters! What other commonly accepted wisdom could the Nazis be responsible for— “swimming immediately after lunch causes cramps” in order to eliminate Jews from from the town pool? (ooh, bad one…)

Our Bad

user submitted pictureWe were quite embarrassed to be contacted by for using their map of the British Mandate in last week’s blog post about the 1917 Balfour Agreement. According to A Blogger’s Code of Ethics at, bloggers should “admit mistakes and correct them promptly” so we were all ready to eat crow until we discovered we did not, in fact, lift the map from IsraelInsider’s “Israel’s Story In Maps”, an awesome collection of high-resolution maps charting the history of the Jewish people.
No, we screwed up even worse than that: We got it from FocusOnJerusalem, an online Christian ministry touting the return of their Savior. Ooops.
So from now on, we promise to credit our photo sources (and not just ’cause we’re afraid of getting caught; it’s the right thing to do.) We also promise to use Jewish sources whenever possible. And next time we need a map, we’ll pay for the good stuff rather rely on schlock graphics.

(“Eat Crow” image from See, it’s easy.)

Evil Logic = Good Woman?

We can’t decide if this article from Ynet News is the most chauvinistic tripe we’ve ever come across or if it’s a sarcastic take on Jewish female stereotypes. The writer is Israeli, y’know, so could be both.

If you support her financially and maintain an esthetic appearance, she will hold back most of her evil nature. Jewish princesses are practical, and their evil has a certain logic.
user submitted picture
Yes, but vengeful as hell. Watch out, beeotch.

(You may remember Amanda Peet, pictured here, as the most psychotic girlfriend ever in Saving Silverman. Would you rescue your best friend from a woman like this?)