If I was single, childless and living in New York City, I’d want to be Esther Kustanowitz. Girlfriend lives on the Upper West Side, makes a living writing columns for the Jewish Week and Generation J while taking on all manner of subjects in her own blogs (My Urban Kvetch and Jdaters Anonymous, as well as Jewlicious) with alacrity and sass. She does improv comedy on the side and is a shaineh maideleh to boot.
Strangely, Esther would rather be me. Well, probably not the fuschia hair, but the married-and-kids part. I keep trying to convince her that it’s really not that fabulous, that having a Jewish-Carrie-Bradshaw-type career brings much more opportunity for fame, fortune and adulation, but she won’t be convinced.
She did me the honor of meeting with me on my solo trip to NYC for bagels and coffee at Zabar’s so I could pick her brain a bit about what it’s like to be an observant Jewish single woman looking for love. In person, Esther is as smart and funny as her literary persona, begging the question: Where is this woman’s man?
As a Jewish dating blogger, do you ever accept a date that you know isn’t promising just so you can write about it?
I know it sounds strange as someone who writes a singles column and runs a site called JDaters Anonymous, but I really dont see myself as a Jewish dating blogger. A jewish blogger who dates, sure, if Im lucky. But Ive been very careful not to report on actual dates. Continue reading →