Jews are blissfully underrepresented in a list of America’s celebrity idiots, according to a random telephone survey conducted for April Fool’s Day (that’s tomorrow … har har, just kidding. Watch out for whoopee cushions; I’m geeky like that.)
No. 1, for the fourth year running, is everyone’s favorite anti-Semite/child buggerer Michael Jackson. Dick “Sure Shot” Cheney comes in at No. 2, while his “boss” W. shares the No. 3 stop with the world’s most recognizable skank, Paris Hilton.
Disgraced lobbyist/occasional frumster Jack Abramoff escaped the top ten of America’s Most Foolish Inviduals, but Paula Abdul, who’s half Jewish, came in at No. 8. Statistically speaking, that’s less that the general population. (But things even out if we count Madonna, No 10, so let’s not for the purpose of this post.)
But the joke’s really on the people who voted Kate Moss is No. 12 on the list and she’s not even American.