Jewish Mother’s Dilemma

Other Jewish blogs might be full of news about the (badly) doctored Reuters photo of a Beirut suburb that makes the damage look worse than it is, not to mention the terrible but strangely compelling shanda of cats that look like Hitler, but here at temporary Yenta headquarters the crisis is much closer.

I am, of course, talking about the beginning of the school year, which starts next week. After doing extensive research all spring about the Savannah public school system, I was all ready to enroll our 6 year-old in the public Montessori academy. I made the phone calls, I was told he was in. Yet somehow when I went to register him, he was at the end of a very long waiting list.

So now our choices are thus:
1. Send him to another local school, which is bound to suck, because that’s what public schools do in the South, with a few exceptions in expensive neighborhoods.
2. Homeschool, which would not only mean two kids all day every day with no relief, but also make me as the sole purveyor of my son’s education — and I shouldn’t have to tell you how dangerous that could be
3. Send him to the private Jewish day school, which holds a yearly price tag worth more than my car. Also, the first grade class is comprised of five boys — a notion that had my Barbie-loving boy in tears.

So, action must be either
1. rent a hideous apartment immediately in suburbs
2. give up this blog and my sanity, or
3. take handouts from relatives and the Jewish community for tuition and worry that the child will be irrevocably undersocialized.

Oy, I’m practically getting an ulcer over first grade. I’m taking all suggestions and support, so please, leave some…

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