I know what you’re thinking: Sure, silcone bazongas attract the dudes, thereby juicing up one’s love life. In a pinch, maybe their buoyancy could save their hostess from drowning should she fall overboard off a yacht due to her surgically-aided top-heaviness.
But protecting one’s vital organs from Katuysha rocket shrapnel? Just what kind of Wonder Woman hooters are these?
They belong to a lucky young Israeli woman, whose choice to blow up her chest (heh heh heh) two years ago resulted in more than a bigger rack; the implants are responsible for her survival of last month’s Hezbollah attacks.
“This is an extraordinary case, but it’s a fact that the silicone implants prevented her from a more serious and deeper wound,” Jacky Govrin, of the hospital in Nahariya that treated the woman, told army radio Tuesday.
Gives new meaning to the term “rocket tits,” nu?
Hat tip to Bangitout blog.