Our Not-so Favorite T-Shirt of the Week

user submitted pictureSure, it looks like a schamtte score from the discount bin at the thrift, but it’s actually from Retroduck.com a company that offers brand-new “vintage-inspired” attire. Fun, but much cooler if it actually were found at a a synagogue rummage sale. A t-shirt as silly as this one needs a backstory. Anyone who buys this shirt off the ‘net for themselves automatically robs it of its irony; it ceases to be a fabulously ethnic fashion statement and falls under the category of bad taste, along the lines of WWJD? regalia.
Besides, rocking the I’m-so-metro-I-shop-at-the-Goodwill-but-I’m-really-an-accountant vibe isn’t quite as geniune without those vintage armpit stains. Our only hope is that some ‘net-savvy granny buys some to give as Chanukah gifts and we come across one, never worn, in a pile at the Goodwill someday.

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