Too Bad For Saddam, Roy Black Is Busy

user submitted pictureAccording to Al Awaba, the “Gateway To the Middle East,” Saddam Hussein’s daughter, Raghad, in an interview to an Israeli journalist, spoke of plans to hire an American lawyer ‘as long as he’s not Jewish’. In the interview, she complained that her father’s lawyers were requesting “exorbitant fees”, and she asked the reporter for a few names.
The reporter then suggested some, one of them Jewish-sounding. “Excellent, but he’s Jewish”, responded Saddam’s daughter. “You must understand that my father would never allow it. I don’t judge people, but I cannot cooperate with Jews”.
Whatever, hag. When he ends up living out the rest of his life in an army prison run by snapshot-happy, duct-tape lovin’ miscreants, he’ll be wailing that he didn’t try to get Alan Dershowitz.

5 thoughts on “Too Bad For Saddam, Roy Black Is Busy

  1. Not trusting Jewish lawyers during a trail is like not trusting Caprice Bourret to look good. Hey, I with them well regardess, they are looking at some hard years ahead of them.

  2. Please take one of the non gentile lawyers! Please go ahead and let you father Rot in Prison like he made all of his own people. I think this is fine with us, By the way I think it would be better all around if you put the turban back over you face.


  3. bsg were’nt you Cindy Crawford’s husband a few blog post’s back? Now you’re a jewish lawyer? Which one is it going to be?

  4. buckshot OK I am going to be honest this time. I am not anyof those. But I feel she needs to put the turban over her head.

    Signed Someone from the Middle East!

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