Jmerica’s official personal trainer, Mark Lebos, just got back from workin’ it in Manhattan’s Central Park to promote his show, FitTV’s Housecalls. After an exhausting morning spent watching the enthusiastic cast of Bombay Dreams lead a Spandex-attired crowd through some Indian aerobics and doing a little shopping for the folks back home, he reports that he was accosted by a couple of non-English-speaking Chabadniks in traditional black-hat dress who asked him if he was Jewish and then shook a “lemon and a palm frond” over his head while davening. Lebos, who forgot that it’s a mitzvah to bless others with the etrog and lulav during Sukkot, thought they were running a Jewish lemonade stand. Now that he’s been enlightened, he’s going to design a special fitness workout using Sukkot’s accoutrements. Etrog crunches and lulav yoga, anyone? Kidding.
Funnily enough, our other favorite Jewish blog Jewlicious reports that Mark’s Chabad encounter was not unique; apparently, these guys were everywhere this week.
(the photo reads: Every Jew Shakes the Lulav and Etrog, It’s Not Too Late! From Shalom New York.
Not too late for you either; just flag down a Chabadmobile!
I need to catch up on my Hebrew. Translation for the non-orthadox jews?
You need a translation for spandex or what?