Whether his brain is the consistency of mushed veggies or this coma thing is just an excuse to receive sponge baths from French nurses, the PLO leader is hanging tight. However, his final resting place is already up for debate. He wants to be buried in Jerusalem? Not likely.
“Jerusalem is a city where Jews bury their kings. It’s not a city where we want to bury an Arab terrorist, a mass murderer,” Israeli Justice Minister Yosef Lapid said.
Perhaps we could interest him in a nice crematory service on a public bus?
I always thought he looked like a dog. I just cant put my finger on it, its one of those crusty breeds.
Depending on who you ask, they might say that his brain has been the consistency of mushed veggies for a long while.
I think Ali G. looks like a younger better looking version of Arafat and should therefore replace him.
We could bury him in Neverland Ranch! Jacko can charge visitor fees and pay for his legal expenses.
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