Hey-Ya, He’s Da Man!

user submitted pictureThe super sleuths over at Daily Jews have revealed the identity of the clever lyricist of “Hanukkah Hey-Ya”, the OutKast parody that has every Jew shakin’ tuchus. We bow to the creativity of one Eric Schwartz (aka kosher rapper Smooth-E, who is not to be confused with another Eric Schwartz who wrote the catchy ditty “Keep Your Jesus Off My Penis”.)
Check out Smooth-E’s exclusive interview in SomethingJewishUK.
In our own attempt at a scoop (we found the info by revisiting the original site; musta been revised to accomodate all the traffic,) the Flash wizard who took Schwartz’s song and made it visual (we use that term “wizard” a bit sarcastically, as the video looks a little bit like something made an Internet vocational school) has been outed as well.

5 thoughts on “Hey-Ya, He’s Da Man!

  1. You make no sense. Are you making fun of the guy or are you actually trying to promote an event? The “Hanukkah Hey-Ya” song is awsome tho.

  2. They should call it the Manischewitz Theme song! “chewitz-che-che-che-chewitz-che…”
    classic. Enjoy the chewitz, i’ve got some drinking to do.

  3. wait! I just saw the “Keep your Jesus off my Penis” video! great link! That video should get passed around a few times. Jesus was on Manischewitz or something when he came out singing. Check it out guys.

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