Rabbi Ari Emkin reminds Jewish pet owners in this week’s Cleveland Jewish News that halachic law applies to your dog. That’s right, Rex: No mixing cheeseballs with Alpo, no fetching the paper on Shabbos, no chametz-kibble on Passover (in Israel, even the zoo animals kept to a matzoh diet last week!) But don’t fret the details; at least you don’t have to book a banquet room for a “bark mitzvah.” (Not our joke. But funny, nu?)
The Talmud also forbids owning a dog or any other pet that “instills fear or harm, whether bark or bite.” Does this mean there can be no such thing as a Jewish Rottweiler?
I have a friend who owns a couple of Chihuahuas that bark and bite till high heaven. I’m sure they’d make certain people nervous and frightened, are those dogs also forbiden? It’s kind of relative I guess. I guess my dogs were happy i forgot to serve then Matzah treats last week.
they are forbiden for being ugly