Making The Holocaust Hip?

user submitted pictureTomorrow marks Yom HaShoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, and deep down in our silly, superficial souls we understand that we must never forget the six million brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, daughters and sons lost not so very long ago. Though some survived to tell the horrid tale, the number of first-hand witnesses to what happens when facism and racism meet global apathy is diminishing each year, leaving it to next generation to keep talking. So hats off to super-mensch Zack Braff and Academy-award winning director Lauren Lazin, who have created a documentary based on the diaries of Holocaust-era youth featuring a host of (mostly non-Jewish) celebrities and a musical score by Moby called I’m Still Here, airing tonight at 8pm on MTV.
Wha’? MTV? An unlikely medium, yes, but is there one better to reach a largely non-Jewish, apathetic audience? If putting low-slung jeans and natty sideburns on the Holocaust is what it takes, so be it.
A full curtsey to Esther (wearing her Jewlicious hat) for this one.

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