If you need a healthy giggle this morning, you must read My Urban Kvetch’s phone transcript of Madonna’s rejection of Britney’s Cheeto-absorbing fetus as possible godchild material. It’s fictional, but it rings oh-so-true.
Britney: “Sigh. I guess I understand. But please promise that you’ll still teach my kid to gyrate to Adon Olam like a brazen hussy, even if it’s a boy.”
Maybe Madonna’s not up for the job of Britney’s or anyone else’s Jewish Fairy Godmother, but we found one who is: YourJewishFairyGodmother.com offers life coaching services, marketing skills and chicken soup recipes on her site, and though she doesn’t mention managing bad press, we’re sure both Britney and the Kabbalah Center could benefit from a wave of her wand.
those necklaces are as tacky as their owners!