Biggest Celebrity Jmerica Sighting EVER

user submitted pictureLos Angeles Jmerican Mike garners the honor of #1 Jewish Celebrity Sycophant for his surreptitious spying at a swanky Wilshire Boulevard spot:
“Saw Natalie Portman at Barney’s New York in Beverly Hills last Saturday. I guess she must’ve been doing some last-minute Oscars shopping. In a city where it’s pretty routine to catch Eric Clapton lunching with his wife at the local cafe one day and see Kirsten Dunst shopping with her grandma the next, it’s a little odd to see a celebrity attached to a bodyguard, but apparently Natalie has now reached the level of the Gloved One.
She was stunning, but in all honesty, her famous cheekbones appeared a little famished. But even the normally stoic and unimpressed Barney’s staff (clearly tired of listening to Robbie Williams try to convince them that he actually matters on another continent) stumbled over each other to catch but a glimpse of Natalie walking down the stairs.”
Pretty impressive. But dude, where was your camera phone?
This first-hand info confirms that Natalie has returned to Hollywood after taking time off to study at Hebrew University and cause an intended ruckus while filming the low-budget film “Free Zone” in Jerusalem.
But we’re not actually stalking her, we promise. Right, Mike?

2 thoughts on “Biggest Celebrity Jmerica Sighting EVER

  1. This is such a great picture that I’m a little in love with her, and I’m a straight woman.

    But then, I also hate her a little, that she’s created this feeling among Jewish men that she’s what Jewish women should look like. But I’m sure that’s my issue.

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