Borat Censored!

boratMSNBC reports that authorities in Kazakhstan have shut down, the “official Web site of Borat,” presumably because Borat has responded to their legal threats for insulting the country’s honor with more earnestly-delivered, left-handed insults about women riding on the inside of the bus and what not.

Borat’s dominant personality, Sacha Baron Cohen, cleverly set up the Kazakh domain name to give his character some authentic dog-like flavor, but he’s been found out — in spite of Borat’s admonition that he has nothing whatsoever to do with Cohen and that he supports the efforts of his government to “sue this Jew.”

Says Nurlan Isin, President of the Association of Kazakh IT Companies: “We’ve done this so he can’t badmouth Kazakhstan under the .kz domain name…He can go and do whatever he wants at other domains.”

And you can be sure he will

Hat tip to Jewish Blogmeister.

Not-So-Nice Jewish Girl Raises Stud Farm

heidi fleissActually, she’s hiring, maybe some of you fellows want to submit a resume?

Former Hollywood madam and every Jewish mother’s nightmare Heidi Fleiss has taken her pimpin’ ways to the desert outside Vegas, where she is currently staffing an all-male brothel strictly for the ladies (which says something about feminism and the evolution of gender roles in this culture, but hell, I’m no social scientist.)

Not only that, but HBO will film a documentary early next year (which says something about this culture’s thirst for perversion and cheap vicarious thrills, but hell, I don’t even have cable.)

No, there’s barely any Jewish connection here, since Fleiss herself admits to being raised in an “affluent, non-religious” home, but there’s something about Heidi’s gummy mug makes me want to root for her � girl, go rock the male whore biz! � because with all her money she still hasn’t found the right periodontist. I mean, the woman’s obviously found her niche in high-end sex trafficking and an all-boy whorehouse is a new sensation � maybe I’m a little bit proud a Jewish girl got there first.

Borat Goes Down?

boratFirst he incited rednecks into a fury by mangling our national anthem, got another group of hicks to sing along to a little ditty called “Throw the Jew Down the Well,” and now Borat’s got the entire country of Kazakstan on his ass.

Of course, bumbling Borat is only one of the alter egos of British/Jewish comedic genius Sacha Baron Cohen, aka Ali G.

From Reuters:

Cohen appears to have drawn official Kazakh ire after he hosted the annual MTV Europe Music Awards show in Lisbon earlier this month as Borat, who arrived in an Air Kazakh propeller plane controlled by a one-eyed pilot clutching a vodka bottle.

“We do not rule out that Mr. Cohen is serving someone’s political order designed to present Kazakhstan and its people in a derogatory way,” Kazakh Foreign Ministry spokesman Yerzhan Ashykbayev told a news briefing. “We reserve the right to any legal action to prevent new pranks of the kind.”

Somehow, methinks it’ll take more than legal action to stop Borat. With his own movie coming out soon, Kazahkstan should settle in for some widespread P.R. damage control, no?

Hat tip to Defamer.

Sarkozy: Not Good for the Jews…or the French

sarkozySo maybe you’ve heard by now that roaming bands of Muslim teenagers have set France and other parts of Europe on fire. If not, you probably shouldn’t be wasting your time here.

It sounds like a European Semite’s worst nightmare, but so far the rioting isn’t considered a “Jewish” problem.

Call it equal opportunity violence and vandalism. Isn’t that a relief?

But I did say “so far.” The reason this whole mess has gone on so long — two weeks adds up to a whole lotta fried cars — is because of political pettiness between lame-duck Jacques Chirac and Nicolas Sarkozy, the “hyper-ambitious, megalomaniacal” Interior Minister with designs on the French Presidency. Chirac chose to sit back the first four days of unrest and while Sarkozy fanned the flames by saying he was going to “clean up the scum,” referring to the torch-wielding teens of North African, sub-Saharan African and Arab descent.

According to Doug Ireland, that translation is way too kind:

“Karcher” is the well-known brand name of a system of cleaning surfaces by super-high-pressure sand-blasting or water-blasting that very violently peals away the outer skin of encrusted dirt — like pigeon-shit — even at the risk of damaging what’s underneath. To apply this term to young human beings and proffer it as a strategy is a verbally fascist insult and, as a policy proposed by an Interior Minister, is about as close as one can get to hollering “ethnic cleansing” without actually saying so.

Ouch, Sarko. So while only a couple of synagogues have been slightly damaged during France’s “national problem”, the winds could turn quickly if someone within the disorganization decides to hone in on the fact that Sarkozy is Jewish.

Do I sound paranoid? More and more everyday…

Diamond Dave dissed in Bay Area

dlrOne loud-mouthed, big-haired Jew will replace another when the object of many a’ 80’s rocker girl’s affection, David Lee Roth, takes over seven of Howard Stern’s soon-to-be former radio markets around the country.

Oh, oops, Diamond Dave doesn’t have so much hair anymore.

Nevertheless, I’m disappointed that the San Francisco station that used to carry Howard chose the completely moronic “Man Show” mouth-breathing sickpot Adam Carolla over DLR; guess the marketing hipsters liked Carolla and his monkey frat boy act over a dedicated rocker who might be past his buttless Spandex days, but has evolved into something almost…classy? (Read his open letter in the Village Voice, if so inclined.)

Maybe someone should sic the Roth Army on those idiots.

No matter to me, really, since I’m more of a Al Franken-in-the-morning gal myself.

JTA Round-Up: Not So Bad For The Jews

So far it’s been a good week for Jews according to JTA:

A German-based campaign to educate people about an Islamic holiday called Al Quds Day, which is sometimes referred to “Let’s Wipe Israel Off The Map” Day, has resulted in the removal of the “holiday” from interfaith calendars. Don’t worry, you weren’t getting the day off anyway.

And in Prague, Jews and non-Jews, including “prominent personalities and journalists”, gathered in a counterprotest to a neo-Nazi demonstration and outmatched the Aryans in numbers and might. The neo-Nazis were there to picket the German embassy for imprisoning Holocaust denier Ernst Zundel, which led 84-year-old
Auschwitz survivor Jan Fischer to ask: “How did these kids become such idiots?”
(Yes, it is against the law in Germany, as well as the Czech Republic, to deny the actual historic event called the Holocaust. Here in America, where we can’t point to an entire town and say “all the Jews that used to live were killed by Nazis,” we call Holocaust denial free speech.)

scooter libbyThe bad news is that a scapegoat had to be hoisted and it had to be a Jew. (Don’t feel bad. With a nickname like Scooter, who knew?)

Probably Not Good For the Jews

kabbalah waterTel Aviv police have placed Shaul Youdkevtich, head of Israel’s Kabbalah Center, under house arrest on charges that he bilked a cancer patient out of tens of thousands of dollars in order to “heal” her.

From YnetNews: A devotee of Kabbalah, the ill woman put her faith in the center and contributed $36,000 to the organization. When her condition deteriorated, members of the Israeli branch recommended she donate another $25,000. Meanwhile, rabbis recommended that she also purchase holy water to improve her condition – at an exorbitant price.

You can read more at Ha’aretz and there will certainly be plenty of jibs, jabs and blasts from the mainstream. Hopefully by now folks can tell the difference between the money-grabbing arms of the Kabbalah Center and the true, quiet ways of the ancient rabbis. It’ll probably get ugly, but kabbalah has survived pogroms, diaspora and a helluva lot more than Rick Ross pissing on it.

I’m deeply sorry for the suffering for this woman and her family, and the shanda Youdkevitch and his cronies have brought to the table is just so much worse than Madonna singing about Isaac Luria, even she’s humping the Zohar wearing a tefillin thong.

Schmuley Coming To A Neighborhood Near You?

shmuleyYou knew everyone’s favorite (or unfavorite) celebrity rabbi would find his way into reality TV eventually: The Forward reports Shmuley Boteach will star as the host of “Shalom in the Home,” on The Learning Channel next year.

While the pitch is to apply Jewish wisdom to family relationships, which sounds like some kind of halachic Super Nanny bubbeminza, the reb promises is won’t seek out sensational, Jerry Springer-esque content (even though much of the show takes place in a trailer):

“What he likes about the new format, he said, is that the goal is not to shock families but to help them. ‘That is our mandate, to assist families,’ he said. ‘As a rabbi, I really think that I come with the benefit of thousands of years of Jewish focus on the family.'”

It’s not clear whether all the families will be Jewish; it’d be way more interesting if they weren’t.

Sarah is a Sick Beeotch

sarah silverman

Hat tip to Jewlicious for directing us to this New Yorker article featuring Sarah Silverman; read it and weep.

Girl’s so whacked it’s hard to tell whether she’s the funniest, smartest sociopath ever or just the Jewish girl you’d never want your daughter to grow up to be:

I got in trouble for saying the word “Chink” on a talk show, a network talk show. It was in the context of a joke. Obviously. That’d be weird. That’d be a really bad career choice if it wasn’t. But, nevertheless, the president of an Asian-American watchdog group out here in Los Angeles, his name is Guy Aoki, and he was up in arms about it and he put my name in the papers calling me a racist, and it hurt. As a Jew—as a member of the Jewish community—I was really concerned that we were losing control of the media. Right? What kind of a world do we live in where a totally cute white girl can’t say “Chink” on network television? It’s like the fifties. It’s scary. There are only two Asian people that I know that I have any problem with, at all. One is, uh, Guy Aoki. The other is my friend Steve, who actually went pee-pee in my Coke. He’s all, ‘Me Chinese, me play joke.’ Uh, if you have to explain it, Steve, it’s not funny.

She’s a sick bitch and just so damned lovable. Waiting, oh waiting, for Jesus is Magic to arrive from Netflix.