There’s been a little buzz going on in the (my) Jewish world (which merely means I heard it mentioned by an editor at work and my mother told me about it on the same day) about a new book called Stars of David: Prominent Jews Talk About Being Jewish by Abigail Pogrebin. Celebrity Jews who not only admit they’re Jewish but who get down and talk about Yom Kippur, Hebrew school and (not) keeping kosher? Dig it.
Turns out the buzz is getting louder by the minute: My favorite kvetch goddess Esther Kustanowitz not only features the book on her blog this week, but has interviewed Pogrebin, a former “60 Minutes” producer, about the process of sitting down and talking to the likes of Dustin Hoffman, Kenneth Cole and Sarah Jessica Parker about their “Jewishness.” (Not “Judaism;” if being a Jew is solely about religion there’d be very few Jewish celebrities.)
The interview is available as a pdf file from Esther’s post and you can order the book at your local independent bookstore.