Chanukah Contest: This Means Chocolate!

Yo, Geltdiggers! Remember last Purim when the meshuggenehs at Oh Nuts! helped the Yenta host a supersweet giveaway at their online store? Well, mah friends, since a game of dreidel is pretty lame without chocolate coins, it is ON again for Chanukah!

All you need to do win $25 to spend on serious nom noms is this:

Go to the Oh Nuts! Chanukah page. Find the tasty item that incites the most drooling. Come back to THIS POST on Yo, Yenta! and leave a comment in the comments section with the name and the URL of said tasty item. Got that? Pick it, tell me about it here.

Social media maniacs can also go to the Oh Nuts! Facebook Page and become a fan. Post on the wall your tasty item, the URL and be sure to tell them Yo, Yenta! sent you. You can also follow @ohnuts on Twitter and tweet your little heart out with something like: “Geltdiggers! Win Chanukah gelt from RT @ohnuts.”

Winner will be announced Dec. 1 before the sun goes down and the candles are lit!

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