Eating Our Words

user submitted pictureWe railed that there was no such thing as a Jewish supermodel, but we are forced to admit that we wrong, wrong, wrong.
Meet Caprice Bourret, whose official site makes her out to be a seriously respectable actress/model with singing and entrepreneurial skills, as well as a fat Diet Coke contract and her own line of lingerie.
Her Google search, however, is, shall we say…not safe to browse at work.
(No, we didn’t link it. Find your own porn.)

15 thoughts on “Eating Our Words

  1. Jmerica is the Best wesite hands down! Thanks for the tip off on Caprice, now i can keep it all in the tribe with this one!

  2. I dont think this topic will ever die! I say Jmerica keeps tabs on Caprice more than they do on Madonesther or Britney… they are only psuedo-MOTs, Caprice is the real deal!

  3. Keep the links coming! Bsg you chose one hell of a pic to post a link for, even if Caprice was not jewish she’d still be one of the top 5 dead or alive!

  4. Holy Moses, as if we cool Jewish chicks don’t have enough skinny models warping the dating minds of the available Jewish boys of the world…

    None of us stands a chance now…

  5. Dont worry Esther, we’re not completly warped. Caprice just helps the morale of the jewish boys who once thought of straying away from the tribe…

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