English Professors Boycott Israel

user submitted pictureAs long as we’re on the subject of European anti-Semitism (see post below), here’s an excellent essay by Times of London columnist Julie Burchill about the British boycott of Israeli universities.
She shames British academics for getting sucked into “herd-mentality” cruelty while Britain currently plays host “to the biggest ever annual number of violent anti-Semitic attacks, both on people and on property, since the 1930s.” For a country that flaunted their superior civility after the Allies defeated Hitler and “showed the cultured Krauts the true meaning of civilization, we are going through our own dark night of the anti-Semitic soul.”
But, our British brethren ain’t backing down. The Jewish Chronicle reports that both Jewish and Palestinian groups are fighting back against the boycott, believing it is everyone’s best interest to “build bridges, not walls.”
So we’re not crossing England off our “no travel” list yet. But even as we get back to reporting on happier things this Monday morning, we’re keeping our eye on Europe—as should all Jews.

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