Hel-lo, Pharoah!

user submitted pictureNo, this isn’t your androgynous baby cousin’s senior photo. It’s King Tutankhamun, fresh from his makeover by French, American and Egyptian teams who used lots of expensive product to make his 3300 year-old punim look nineteen again. Actually, it’s a model created from 1,700 or so high-resolution photos from CT scans of his mummy to reveal what he looked like the day he died, which, you gotta admit, looks a whole lot like the gold mask found in his tomb.
While he’s a cute kid and all, the CT scans have revealed much more about the death of the Boy Pharoah: it seems he didn’t die of a head wound as previously postulated, but he did suffer a nasty break to his leg just days before his demise that may have caused a deadly infection. How he sustained the injury is the hott subject of certain necro conspiracy theorists who say he fell from a horse or chariot, citing the Talmud as their source.
That’s right, the Jewish Talmud.
Furthermore, they say this links (however thinly) King Tut as the Pharoah from The Book of Exodus (y’know, that pharoah—Moses, plagues, Yul Brenner) which has got to be the craziest solipsistic fantasy we’ve ever heard. But these guys are professors, so let them theorize away while we learn how to Photoshop some hair on this kid.

2 thoughts on “Hel-lo, Pharoah!

  1. this fool fell of the chariot while chasing Moses and our people during the Exodus! I beleive. We had the last laugh.

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