If The Genes Fit, Wear ‘Em

user submitted pictureFrom Ha’aretz:
A new study by the University of Utah on Ashkenazi Jews (we’re suspicious already—exactly why is Jewish DNA being studied in Mormon country?) suggests a link between genetic diseases like Tay-Sachs and superior intellectual ability.
The study says an unusual pattern of diseases among the Ashkenazis of central and northern Europe is the result of natural selection for enhanced intellectual ability. According to the researchers, the restriction of Ashkenazim in medieval Europe to occupations that required more than usual mental agility, was the selective force.

So because our ancestors couldn’t wield hammers or shod horses, they had to use their keppes to survive. Which may explain why “Ashkenazi Jews make up [just] 3 percent of the population of the United States but have won 27 percent of its Nobel prizes.” (We also account for more than half of world chess champions.)

Yeah, everyone knows Jews are smart. And some Jews are smarter than others. But is it good for the Jews to have genetic proof?
“It would be hard to overstate how politically incorrect this paper is,” said Steven Pinker, a cognitive scientist at Harvard University.”

One thought on “If The Genes Fit, Wear ‘Em

  1. I always knew Jews were smarter but what struck me was the Mormons believe in Natural Selection. Studying DNA pretty much flies in the face of creationism. Also, what ARE the Mormon’s doing with Jewish DNA? lol

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