Our admiration for Montreal blogger Jewlicious keeps rising like poppin’ fresh dough for his(?) skewering analysis of Matchnet and Jdate’s 100 million-dollar IPO on the NASDAQ. This guy checked out the prospectus and came up with some seriously unfortunate numbers for Jdate, not to mention offering up the information that Joe Shapira, the founder of Matchnet/Jdate, is a total slimeball.
Six days later, Matchnet withdrew their offering. Coincidence or Jewlicious justice?
All we know is that it takes us feel good to be the little guy.
Jdate SUCKS! I would not spend a dime on there stock and I will never buy a membership.. As long as there are Fun sites like Jmerica, I know have a place to go. I understand why people have been using it, they had no where to go up until now. Jmerica is the new premier site for Jewish people to want to meet. Jmerica offers more then just dating! I love the Articles from the Editor as well as the quizzes. There is more then just Dating. Signed Former Jdater and Jdate Hater!!!!!
One more thing Editor, Please keep up with those Funny Articles. I email them to all my friends. Signed your number one fan. “Jmerica Fan”
JDate sucks.
J who?