Jewish Porn Prayer

user submitted pictureWe’ve posted this one before, but considering the popularity of porn we figure it warrants a fresh look. Israeli rabbi Shlomo Eliahu has composed a prayer of repentance for Jews who use their computers for something other than e-mail, work and meeting nice people. It goes like this: “Please God, help me cleanse the computer of viruses and evil photographs which disturb and ruin my work…, so that I shall be able to cleanse myself (of sin).”
Eliahu, the chief rabbi in the northern town of Safed, Israel, wrote the benediction as a result of the mass amounts of incoming queries from Orthodox Jews fretting over ever-alluring internet sex sites. Eliahu recommends the sex-obsessed recite the prayer when they log on to escape temptation, or even program the purifying prayer to pop up on their computer screens to counteract the damaging effects of entering a porn site, whether on purpose or by accident. We’re sure your boss will love that, but we guess if you’re already looking at porn at work, you have bigger problems.
Frankly, we at Jmerica don’t have a problem with porn, unless it’s scary animal stuff or in the realm of sick, perverted, we-don’t-even-want-to-think-about-it. If that’s you, then maybe you should print out the prayer and stick on the back of the bathroom door instead.

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