Got a little writing experience? Dig the Jewish Federation? Like chicken, children and old people? Then the Savannah JEA wants you!
The Savannah Jewish Federation and Jewish Educational Alliance (JCC) are seeking to hire an individual to assist with all aspects of our programming including fundraising, community programs and the Savannah Jewish News and Centerpiece. The ideal candidate will possess excellent communication and organizational skills to help plan and provide logistical support for all community programs, will be flexible enough to change roles depending on current initiatives, will have the creativity to initiate change and will demonstrate understanding of the missions of the JEA and SJF.
Basically, there’s a full-time job in sunny Savannah (just named one of the Top Ten cities in the U.S.!) for a person (Jewish or Judeophilic) who can help with the editorial duties of a monthly newspaper, shoulder some of the load from the hard-working directors and hit folks up for a little tzedakeh. I don’t know what the salary is, but I’ve been told it’s competitive enough to draw from the entire country.
I’d be going for it myself if I didn’t already have a fabulous job. Though I think at this point with both kids at camp using their outside voices indoors, me and the mother-in-law yukking things up at the Thursday Senior Lunch Bunch and El Yenta Man taking over the gym with his bubbemintzen, they’ve had enough of the Family Yenta over there…