Maybe Roseanne Is Free?

user submitted pictureIt seems that Britney Spears’ spawn will not have a Jewish Fairy Godmother in Madonna, according to Kabbalah’s pop princess reportedly asked the reigning queen to be her unborn baby’s spiritual guardian, but Madge refused. Perhaps Madonna is trying to distance herself from Britney, whose positive pregnancy test is being auctioned off for charity, just another skanky detail in the life of a very famous, very dumb girl.
Hello, Brit, honey? When you throw something out in a hotel bathroom, there are sick stalkers who make a living selling your garbage. Try to remember this for the bris or your kid’s foreskin will show up on eBay.

2 thoughts on “Maybe Roseanne Is Free?

  1. that is sick and it’s against the ebay rules, they can sell blood and other medical samples on the site. WHat the heck are you going to do with a used pregnancy test and how can you authenticate it?

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