Mike Wallace- One Feisty Old Jew

user submitted pictureMike Wallace, the 86 year old reporter from the CBS show 60 Minutes was arrested for disorderly conduct yesterday. Apparently, his limo was double parked when he ran in to get a meatloaf (no word on if it was kosher). Upon returning, the cops were telling his driver to move, which apparently pissed him off to the point that the cops said he “lunged” at them. That got him taken to the pokey. We here at Jmerica hope we’re still that feisty at 86, but we would NEVER double park our limo.

One thought on “Mike Wallace- One Feisty Old Jew

  1. How do you arrest and hand cuff Mike Wallace, the 86 year old reporter from the CBS show 60 Minutes was arrested for disorderly conduct yesterday….That officer should be FIRED>>> Let protest!! Whos with me. Holla if you are with me????

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