Rants of the Unlaid

user submitted pictureFound one for all the horny dudes out there: Why Every Good Jew Should F**k a Shikse” on www.jewgoo.com. Mr. Goo, who presumably lives in an orthodox community in North London and is obviously not getting any, gamely suggests that a little free love would do everybody on planet Earth some good.
“The world’s problems have as their foundation sexual frustration, which can be remedied with hot, wet, inter-faith unity.”
He’s pretty obscene and enjoys being shocking, but it’s hard not to find his lampoon of Abraham, Father of the Jews, as a doddering schizophrenic just a little bit funny.

One thought on “Rants of the Unlaid

  1. check out this quote from that artice : ” us Jew boys apparently enjoy less nerve endings on our butchered cocks than our goyishe brothers” … wow you learn something new everyday. This means we probably last longer in the sack too! I can feel another pick up line coming up out of this one…

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