Serious Ego Blow for Madonesther

user submitted pictureFrom Web India: Madonna, who apparently likes to surround herself with fellow Kabbalists during her shows, gave away 50 primo tickets to one of her shows and was simple devastated that they were promptly put up for sale to the highest bidder on the ‘Net.
“Even the head of the Kabbalah Center in Boston, Abner Madag, did not lag behind, his web ad read: Madonna VIP tickets, best seats in the house. If you have been wanting to see this show, then this is the way. Enjoy the show with the best seats in the house.”
Perhaps Queen Diva Esther assumed that devotees of Kabbalah naturally would be devotees of Madonna, but we all know what happens when you assume (the old joke about makin’ and ass of you and me)…hasn’t she claimed that Kabbalah has helped her shrink her ego?

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