Look, Purim is coming in a coupla weeks and you know what that means: 12-hour days in the kitchen spreading poppyseed paste on six thousand pointy little cookies. Don’t the hard-working balabustas deserve a few perks, like fresh coffee in the kitchen and a ban on aprons that make a girl look hippy?
I’m not sure what a Jewish Teamster looks like, but many thanks to the new Jewnion Label for organizing some new shmatas for the Yenta to share. Say, can you folks help me negotiate some blogger’s benefits?
Be sure to rise up and join the International Order of Challah Makers and the mighty n’ able Union of Jewish Handywomen (or Handymen, as it were.)
That is AWESOME. I will definitely be including that in my Purim costume this year.
(Rosie the Riveter as baker?)
Quite a few Jewish Teamsters, actually, here’s one:
My Dad and my oldest brother were longtime members of the Teamsters, and several of my Dad’s co-workers were members of “The Tribe”.