Tell Us: Is This Funny Or Not?

Remember the Jdater who billed his companion for her share of dinner? Well, the most clueless guy of the year has a fan site. Save Andrew Goldberg champions “any guy that’s ever paid for a dinner date and never got another call” and is founded on “the stereotypical principles of Jewish frugality and financial know-how”. This raised our hackles a bit, since we suspected that this site was not created by someone Jewish, but we don’t like to be oversensitive.
Under Fan/Hate Mail, they’ve posted a terribly misspelled e-mail from someone who felt the same way. The response is “Blame the parties involved in this incident if you believe it promotes Jewish stereotypes.”
On one hand, it’s just a silly site and f’ ’em if they can’t take a joke, right? On the other hand, humor about your tribe feels different when it’s coming from someone else. Much like African-Americans can bat around the “N” word because shared experience makes an insult into a familiarity, we enjoy lampooning the hell out of JDate and the particularities of being Jewish. But we don’t need some goy stealing our thunder about it.

One thought on “Tell Us: Is This Funny Or Not?

  1. You know, I think we gotta be able to take a joke. The fact that this Jdater reinforces negative Jewish stereotypes is part of what makes him a big loser.

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