Things are mighty quiet around here in our Northern California borough since half the town defected to Black Rock, Nevada for the almighty freak show known as Burning Man. We’ve never been, even though we drive a VW bus (the oxymoronic issue of a Jew driving Volkswagon will be cleared up at another time); we’ve always had to, y’know, like, work. And crowds of naked painted people on drugs freak us out. Add in the heat, the dirt, the ATVs and the potential idol-worshiping violation and it’s a ready-made panic attack. As much as we’d like attend ecstatic Shabbat services at the Black Rock JCC or see our mad genius neighbor dash around the playa on his engine-run vehicle composed of one giant tractor wheel, we prefer the peace and quiet. That’s what we’re telling ourselves, anyway.
I drive a VW too but that naked painted people link should have a warning on it… its NOT KOSHER! (in other words)
yeah, i see wahat you mean about that Kosher thing, it’s not the kinda nudity I’d recomend to my kids.
what would the “i’d do her” guy who keeps posting say about this?
every year, without exception, just reading about Burning Man makes me really, really nervous…
I never heard of Burning man out here on the East Coast. From reading the history of the event it says it started on a beach in San Fransisco, that explains why it’s practically “hippie heaven”.
I don’t do burning men or any men for that matter.