A newly-aired Israeli reality show that pits aspiring career beauties against each other for the title of “top model” has drawn outrage from Second Broadcasting Authority, which “represents the public interest” and “monitors social influence.” While here at Jmerica we have a preoccupation with Jewish supermodels, we tend to agree with the Authority that this type of television “perpetuates a male chauvinist perception that views women as a body and an object
It’s a weird balancing act there, chosing between a group’s standard of decency and another’s group’s freedom of expression. Throughout civilzation standards of decency and cultural taboos change. In Israel they attacked Natalie Portman for an kiss near sacred ground, in India they threaten the lives of women who kiss on screen! (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/south_asia/4311029.stm)
What IF these women WANT to participate in the show? I agree that viewing women as bodies is not the best policy, but who’s to say if our cultural norms are going to stick for years to come?