Germany’s oldest Muslim institute has issued a dare to Iranian
head moron president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to visit Auschwitz.
“In this place of horror he can again deny the Holocaust, if he has the courage,” said a spokesman for the Islam-Archiv-Deutschland Central Institute in response to Ahmadinejad’s public claim that the Nazis’ government-sponsored genocide was a “myth.”
Good to hear some sanity from the moderate corner of the Islamic cupboard! I’m sure they’ve been trying to speak up, but the din in the kitchen is out of control.
I tripple and quadruple dog dare him! I
f Einstein would have lived another 100 years he would have had one of those time-machines handy so we can send the Iranian nutjob president back to WWII so he could take the place of a Holocaust victim. I’m not advocating voilence on the guy, just poetic justice. Let’s see him deny that!
I am glad to see that the voices of moderation are finally being raised to quell all the devisivenes. After all, let us not forget that we are all Abraham’s seed and we are alowing Gentiles wityh ulterior motives to use the old tested and proven divide and conquer strategy.
Jeremiah chapter 50 gives us insightful details about the region we call Iran today.
We are right on schedule.
At least someone speaks up in order to show that all Muslims are not Jew-hating, KFC-burning, nuclear bomb-wanting, terrorist-electing, Israel-destroying zealots. Now if only he wasn’t alone…
Some people will deny anything, it’s scary when they make it into politics though.
Next he’ll probably be talking about how the earth is flat.